Pilgrim by a
Snowy Hillside
St. Domingo de Boneval | Santiago de Compostella | Spain | 2002
Audiovisual installation composed of paintings, printed films, video and music
Since ages travellers and pilgrims have used Santiago di Compostella as a landmark. The place arouses an oppertunity to look in different directions and measure one’s ways. Within the Church of St. Domingo de Boneval in Santiago di Compostella Gudrun installed Icelandic snowy hillsides to allow tired travellers to rest by and to dream of distances.
Above and inside the graves of two Spanish pilgrims a reproduction of a painting of a snowy hillside was installed. Then the church´s north window was covered by a transparent film with a detail of one of the painted hillsides printed on it, giving an imaginary view all the way to Iceland. In another wing of the church the video Fog of foggy hillsides was displayed. The music composed by Dagur Kari for the film, provided a modern but still a harmonious ambiance in the medieval building.